How we can help
A child is usually referred to an educational psychologist such as myself following parenting or school concerns about their progress at school. These concerns can be multifaceted. Most commonly the child is experiencing difficulties with learning, emotional problems, behavioural issues or a combination of these.
The following are the most common types of concerns expressed by parents and teachers. This is by no means an exhaustive list but hopefully provides an insight (and reassurance) about the kind of difficulties students present with at the point of assessment:
Learning Difficulties
Reading, writing, spelling difficulties; Dyslexia
Co-ordination, organisation, perception; Dyspraxia
Maths difficulties
Concentration difficulties
Speech and language issues
Hearing and auditory attention difficulties
Autistic spectrum difficulties
Behavioural Difficulties
Disruptive behaviour in the classroom, at home, within school in general
Anger and aggressive behaviour
Social skills difficulties, autistic spectrum difficulties
Withdrawal, communication issues
Difficulties with family, peer or teacher relationships
Emotional Difficulties
Difficulties with stress and stress management
Control issues
Anxiety disorders
Self-esteem issues